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Stargazer~Lily Flower Enfleurage Perfume

Stargazer~Lily Flower Enfleurage Perfume

5 ml in a glass perfume jar. Shelf life is 2 years.


My pure Lily Enfleurage.......the first of its kind created in modern artisan perfumery via the ancient practice of enfleurage. Various types of Lily flowers were first extracted by the Ancient Sumerians, and Egyptians. The lily flower was held as a sacred symbol, and represented life, death, and rebirth. The lily flower holds importance in my family. My daughter Iyla's middle name is Lily, and my Mom has collected lily flowers in her garden for decades, and she has begun sharing the bulbs with me over the years, so we too can enjoy the beautiful flowers and capture their lovely fragrance. She has asked me for a lily perfume for quite some time now over the last decade, and finally....... Mom it's here.......this one's for you!


Dustin created a set of beautiful handcrafted wood and glass enfleurage trays for me to able to extract the large, beautiful Stargazer and Casablanca Lilies from our lush, fragrant patch of gorgeous lilies. Each of the bulbs in the patch produced around 10 flowers, and hundreds of lilies diffused their scent onto the surface of the enfleurage. The scent was captured by the pomade, resulting in this unbelievable perfume, which is like smelling the flowers in real life, minus the pollen on your nose of course! The lily produces a fragrance that is a perfume in itself, however like a blooming flower, it doesn't last forever captured in a perfume. And so this beautiful solid perfume is short lived, not meant to wrap you in fragrance for the day, but rather, to be applied throughout the day, to enjoy the beautiful fragrance of lily flowers upon your skin.


Ingredients: Enfleurage pomade of Lily flower. Pomade was created with organic jojoba oil, shea nilotica butter, and raw beeswax from our organic honey bee hives.

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